ENDEAVOUR @ KAUST- NSF Conference on Environmental Monitoring

Marco Canini will present the ENDEAVOUR project at the KAUST- NSF Conference on Environmental Monitoring.

Towards a Flexible Software-Defined Network Ecosystem

ENDEAVOUR @ MAKI Scientific Workshop 2016

Marco Canini gave an invited talk at the MAKI – Scientific Workshop 2016 titled Towards a Flexible Software-Defined Network Ecosystem, where he presented some of the ongoing activities of the project. This is the abstract of the talk:

ENDEAVOUR @ Open Networking Summit

A small representation of the ENDEAVOUR team was present at the Open Networking Summit 2016, where Marc Bruyer gave a talk about TouSIX, the first European IXP backed by OpenFlow SDN.

Watch below the video recording of the talk.


ENDEAVOUR @ Looking Beyond the Internet

A workshop on Software-defined Infrastructure and Software-defined Exchanges took place in Washington D.C. on 4-5 Feb 2016 as part of the NSF “Looking Beyond the Internet” series of workshops. The purpose of this workshop was to recommend a 5-year agenda for research programs in new technology paradigms that will radically transform the Internet, and to identify the needs for infrastructure to support that research.

ENDEAVOUR @ Insider Talk Episode #3, Software-Defined Networking

Thomas King (DE-CIX) participated in the recent episode of the IP-Insiders.de. The talk features the ongoing research efforts of ENDEAVOUR to bring SDN to IXPs. The full video of the episode is available on YouTube (German version only). 

ENDEAVOUR Quarterly Meeting in Bucharest, RO

The quartely face-to-face meeting in Bucharest was co-located with RIPE71. It was a very productive meeting to determine the future steps of the project and discuss directly the use cases with IXP operators and members.

Launching a survey for network operators

Are you a network operator at an ISP, IXP CDN, ...? We'd love to have your help!

Please take our SURVEY.

As part of our effort to bring SDN into IXPs, we want to create a broad picture of the operational challenges currently faced when peering at IXPs.

Specifically, our goal is to understand:
 - what are the current limitations at IXPs?
 - what services do you expect to see at IXPs in the next years?

Published Paper: "Route Bazaar: Automatic Interdomain Contract Negotiation"

Abstract: While it is widely acknowledged that the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) has many flaws, most of the proposed fixes focus solely on improving the stability and security of its path computation. However, because interdomain routing involves contracts between Autonomous Systems (ASes), this paper argues that contractual and routing issues should be tackled jointly. We propose Route Bazaar, a backward-compatible system for flexible Internet connectivity.

Published Paper: "Online Virtual Links Resource Allocation in Software-Defined Networks"

Abstract: Network virtualization is seen as a key networking paradigm for building diverse network services and architectures over a shared network infrastructure. Assigning network resources to virtual links and, more generally to virtual network topologies, efficiently and on-demand is one of the most challenging components of any network virtualization solution. This paper addresses the problem of on-line resource allocation of multiple virtual links on a Software Defined Network (SDN) infrastructure.

Press: French Exchange Sees Classic SDN Benefits

France is steeped in the classics, so it's appropriate that a small French Internet exchange is seeing the classic benefits of SDN.


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