DE­‐CIX Management GmbH


DE­‐CIX Management GmbH (DE-­CIX) is a provider of premium Internet Exchange (IX) services to all kinds of networks, and operates several carrier neutral and independent Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) around world, including DE-­CIX Frankfurt (Germany), the world’s largest IXP. Besides DE-CIX Frankfurt, DE-CIX is responsible for DE-­CIX Munich (Germany), DE-­CIX Hamburg (Germany), DE‐CIX New York (USA), and UAE-­IX (Dubai). Founded in 1995, DE­‐CIX provides the infrastructure for direct and settlement-­free IP interconnection, called peering, at several IXPs around the world to about 600 leading Internet service providers from 60+ countries. DE­‐CIX operates the industry's most robust and advanced peering platforms. In 2013, DE-­CIX implemented its new flagship, the DE-­CIX Apollon platform. All types of Internet-­related service providers, including broadband providers, content delivery networks, web hosters, and incumbent operators use DE‐CIX services to improve their IP performance and lower their IP transit costs. Besides commercial activities, DE­‐CIX supports the reliability and robustness of the DNS infrastructure by hosting and connecting various Root-­DNS servers.