Université catholique de Louvain
IP Networking Lab
Founded in 1425, UCL is the largest French-speaking University in Belgium. UCL currently has more than 28,000 students (including 4,000 foreign students from more than 100 different countries), 3,000 teaching and research personnel, and 1,800 technical and administrative personnel. UCL hosts more than 1,000 external research contracts with an annual turnover of 80 million Euros and is the nucleus of an industrial park containing almost 100 companies. The Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) gathers 50 professors and more than 200 researchers working in ICT, Electronics and Applied Mathematics. The ICTEAM IP Networking Lab, led by prof. Olivier Bonaventure and prof. Marco Canini, maintains world-renowned expertise for research on Internet Protocols and Software‐Defined Networking. It brings to the project a strong expertise in Software-Defined Networking and in the development of new protocols and mechanisms to improve network management and operation (Canini et al., 2013, 2012; Kuzniar et al., 2012; Lebrun et al., 2014; Levin et al., 2013; Reitblatt et al., 2013; Vanbever et al., 2011). The lab has been involved in various EC-funded projects including E‐Next, AGAVE, ONELAB, ECODE, TRILOGY, CHANGE, TRILOGY2 and LEONE. It has also been funded directly by industry, including Cisco Systems and Google. The lab actively participates to standardization work within the IETF. Lab members have written more than 100 publications and IETF contributions. INL has designed and implemented various open-source projects including the C‐BGP simulator, OpenLISP or the reference implementation of Multipath TCP in the Linux kernel. INL has access to various types of equipment including a dedicated networking lab that includes 4 routers (Juniper and Cisco), 2 OpenFlow switches (NEC and HP), 8 networked servers, 3 Planetlab nodes and one prototype LISP router. INL is also planning to deploy a pilot SDN prototype at UCL. In addition, Olivier Bonaventure leads a five-year long nationally-funded project on SDN (ARC-SDN) that combines networking expertise with expertise in optimization and control theory, and software and requirements engineering. Also, INL actively collaborates with leading SDN researchers including Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University) and Nate Foster (Cornell University).